WE are

and we are sincerely pleased to introduce you to our team of partners and friends


Youth Planet MTÜ (Estonia) is committed to enriching the educational, social, and cultural lives of young people, particularly those facing fewer opportunities. We firmly believe that young people are the driving force in shaping the society they live in. Therefore, we provide various opportunities to help cultivate a generation determined to create positive change in our country and the world.
Our main goals include fostering individual development, acquiring new skills and abilities, promoting social entrepreneurship using EU models, establishing connections with European Youth Associations, developing a youth movement throughout Europe, and promoting knowledge through non-formal education.


E.O.M is a non-profit youth organization based in Serbia, established in 2014. Our organization is composed of young individuals between the ages of 14 and 30. We are dedicated to promoting and upholding the universal principles of human rights, equality, respect for individuality and minority rights, and social equity and inclusion.
As a member of the Youth Union of Serbia (Omladinski Savez Srbije), E.O.M collaborates with various nonprofit organizations. We work collectively to represent the interests of our members and strive to improve the living conditions and standards for youth throughout the Republic of Serbia.
EOM, Serbia

The Modern Development Association

The Modern Development Association (MDA) is a non-governmental organization in Turkey that originated from a social initiative driven by young people. Our organization aims to transform common ideas into tangible projects and initiatives. We focus on building knowledge synergy through various projects, events, training programs, and strategic partnerships with different stakeholders. MDA is dedicated to implementing programs and activities that serve specific and shared interests, fostering collaboration and growth.
Modern Gelişim Derneği, Turkey


EU Activisten is a non-profit youth organization established in Germany in 2021. It was founded by passionate young individuals who wanted to create positive change in their society. The founding members, drawing from their previous volunteering experiences, were driven by the desire to share their knowledge and make a difference.
EU Activisten serves as a dynamic learning organization, bringing together trainers, youth and social workers, policymakers, experts, and volunteers with diverse skill sets. Through active involvement, the organization aims to create civic activities with a European dimension that benefit local communities. The collective expertise and competencies of its members contribute to the development of impactful projects and initiatives.
EU Aktivisten e. V., Germany
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